Turfgrass / Lawn Seed
STEP 1: Find your "Climate Zone"
For details on Climate Zones: ➔ Turfgrass Climate Zones
STEP 2: Use the filters below to select features you're looking for.
For instructions on seeding and care ➔ Establishment and Care of Turfgrasses
Stover Seed has been marketing some of the best grass seed varieties since they were first introduced in the 1970s. We were among the first seed companies to introduce improved varieties of Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Bermudagrass.
Besides home gardeners, our clients include professional sport venues, golf courses, sod producers, and landscape architects who demand the finest in lawn seed varieties and seed quality. Such products typically aren't available to homeowners and contractors, but now they are—through our Platinum Quality varieties and mixtures. Discerning homeowners and contractors who are looking for the best products should consider the Platinum Quality line. You can filter for them below.
Stover Seed works with many turfgrass breeders and production companies with access to hundreds of improved varieties that meet certain criteria such as turf quality, disease resistance, and drought tolerance. We use industry recognized test results to give you the best grass seed varieties available. Bulk grass seed is available in multiple sizes.
STEP 1: Find your "Climate Zone"
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STEP 1: Find your "Climate Zone"
For details on Climate Zones: ➔ Turfgrass Climate Zones
STEP 2: Use the filters below to select features you're looking for.
For instructions on seeding and care ➔ Establishment and Care of Turfgrasses
Stover Seed has been marketing some of the best grass seed varieties since they were first introduced in the 1970s. We were among the first seed companies to introduce improved varieties of Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Bermudagrass.
Besides home gardeners, our clients include professional sport venues, golf courses, sod producers, and landscape architects who demand the finest in lawn seed varieties and seed quality. Such products typically aren't available to homeowners and contractors, but now they are—through our Platinum Quality varieties and mixtures. Discerning homeowners and contractors who are looking for the best products should consider the Platinum Quality line. You can filter for them below.
Stover Seed works with many turfgrass breeders and production companies with access to hundreds of improved varieties that meet certain criteria such as turf quality, disease resistance, and drought tolerance. We use industry recognized test results to give you the best grass seed varieties available. Bulk grass seed is available in multiple sizes.
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