Pure Dynasty® Seashore Paspalum
Seashore paspalum is a warm-season, salt-loving grass that thrives in coastal climates but is also suited for inland and desert climates. It has a fine texture similar in appearance to bermudagrass and grows by stolons and rhizomes making it an excellent choice for sportsfields and golf courses. Seashore paspalum has tremendous salt tolerance and adaptability making it one of the few grasses that can successfully be grown along the beach. Being a warm-season grass it has very good heat and drought tolerance due to its deep root system. Pure Dynasty® is a blend of improved, seeded cultivars of Seashore paspalum.
Characteristics | |
Features |
Benefits |
Seashore paspalum can be grown successfully as turf on:
• Golf Courses • Parks • Sportsfields • Playgrounds • Lawns • Commercial Developments
Seeding Rates
New turf: 1.5 to 3 pounds of coated seed per 1,000 square feet or 65 to 130 pounds per acre.
Warm-season grasses such as Seashore paspalum should be seeded when daytime air temperatures are consistently 77 °F or greater (generally between the months of April and October). Germination is delayed if soil temperatures are below 65 °F. Emergence can be anywhere between 14 and 21 days. The higher the soil temperature, the quicker the germination as long as there is adequate moisture (irrigation). Establishment in 8 to 10 weeks depending on the date of planting.
For instructions on seeding and care: Establishment and Care of Turfgrasses
Specifications: PURE DYNASTY® Seashore paspalum blend
22% PST-QOC Seashore paspalum
18% PST-SPOC Seashore paspalum
10% Q3631X Hybrid-7 Seashore paspalum50% Pure Coat™ Seed Coating
60% Minimum germination
415,000 seeds per pound, coated seed
Pure Dynasty® is a registered trademark of Pure-Seed Testing, Inc.
Water Requirements
Frequent, light watering is necessary for the seed to germinate and become established. Seashore paspalum is a warm-season grass. Once the grass becomes established it has the ability to withstand summer drought conditions under reduced irrigation schedules. For turf managers that use irrigation systems and calculations, Seaspray paspalum can be irrigated at 60% of average ET0 (Reference Evapotranspiration) rates to achieve optimum turf quality. Because of the ability of warm-season grasses to establish roots at a depth of 3 feet or more, it is able to draw water from a larger soil profile which enhances its drought tolerance. As a result, once Seashore paspalum becomes established (2-3 months in warm weather) it can withstand irrigation schedules at 40% of ET0 (a reduction of 25%) and still produce acceptable turf. Specific information on turfgrass irrigation schedules and ET rates can be found at http://ucanr.edu/sites/UrbanHort/ and at http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/water/az1195.pdf and http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8395.pdf
General irrigation guidelines dictate that turf should be watered in the early morning hours and that about 3/4 of an inch of water should be applied but not to the point of runoff.
Climate Conditions
Seashore paspalum is classified as a warm-season grass best suited to southern climates. Growth is greatest during warm months with some dormancy in winter months.
Soil Conditions
Seashore paspalum will tolerate a wide range of soils from heavy clay to sandy loam. It will grow in a wide range of pH from 4.5 to 9.0. Good drainage is important for root development.
Use of a starter fertilizer when seeding is highly recommended. After establishment fertilize during periods of active growth in warm months with a balanced fertilizer. Avoid using products with a high nitrogen (N) content as such use increases water usage. Application rates should be between 2 and 3 pounds of nitrogen (N) per 1,000 square feet per year during the growing season. Slow-release fertilizers are best.
No special mower is needed. Results are best when blades are kept sharp. Recommended mowing height is from 1/8 to 2 inches. Do not mow more than 1/3 of the leaf blade whenever mowing turf.
Drought Tolerance Comparisons of Commonly Grown Grasses in California
Source: University of California, ANR Publication 8395
Relative Ranking |
Cool-season turfgrasses |
Warm-season turfgrasses |
Superior |
Bermudagrass Buffalograss |
Excellent |
Seashore paspalum Zoysiagrass |
Good |
St. Augustinegrass Kikuyugrass |
Medium |
Tall Fescue |
Fair |
Perennial Ryegrass Kentucky Bluegrass Creeping Bentgrass Hard Fescue Chewings Fescue Red Fescue |