Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis)- Stover Seed since 1922


Photo of Blue Grama

Blue Grama

Bouteloua gracilis
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Common Name(s): Blue Grama
Botanical Name(s): Bouteloua gracilis


Blue Grama is a popular and widespread native warm season grass found throughout the Great Plains and the western U.S.  Its many uses include rangeland, forage, erosion control, restoration, low maintenance areas such as golf course roughs and as a mowed turfgrass. Can plant alone or with other native grass and wildflowers.

Seeds per pound: 715,000
Seeding rate: For pasture and erosion control 4 lbs/acre.  For turfgrass 4 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.
%Purity/% Germination (Typical) 60/60
Growing Regions: Drier parts of the western U.S. and Great Plains below 7,000 ft.
Native To: Western U.S. and Great Plains
Life Cycle: Perennial
Characteristics: Spreads by bunching and tillering.
Season Type: Warm Season
Exposure: Sun
Height: 6-24 inches
Establishment: Good.  Important to practice weed control before seeding.
Water Requirements: Excellent drought tolerance.
Wildlife: Forage

Cultural Information:

Seed only during warmer months Apr-Sept.  Once established irrigate in summer (2x month) to maintain color and growth.

₁ Seeding rate is based on seeding alone.  When seeding with other species the rates should be reduced.  Contact us for recommendations.


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